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Found 25 search results for "fest"
Steam Next Fest

[subsection]What is Next Fest?[/subsection] Steam Next Fest is a weeklong celebration of upcoming games, where customers can try out demos, watch livestreams from the devs, and wishlist…

their favorites. For developers, Steam Next Fest is an opportunity both to get early feedback from players and build an audience (and wishlists!) for a future launch on Steam. Steam typically hosts three editions…

Steam Next Fest: February 2025

[docimg=Next_Fest_0225_Doc_Banner]Next_Fest_0225_Doc_Banner[/docimg] [b]Steam Next Fest: February 2025 Edition[/b] is a multi-day celebration where fans can try out demos, chat with developers…

, watch live streams, and learn about upcoming games on Steam. For developers, Steam Next Fest is an opportunity to get early feedback from players and build an audience for a future launch on Steam…

Steam Next Fest: October 2025

[b]Steam Next Fest: October 2025 Edition[/b] is a multi-day celebration where fans can try out demos, chat with developers, watch live streams, and learn about upcoming games on Steam…

. For developers, Steam Next Fest is an opportunity to get early feedback from players and build an audience for a future launch on Steam. The October 2025 edition runs October 13 at 10:00 AM PDT (UTC…

Upcoming Steam Events

18, 2025 - January 5, 2026[/subsection] [section]Themed Sale Events (Fests)[/section] These events spotlight a particular category of games with corresponding eligibility criteria; while discount games…

]2025 Fests[/b][/subsection] [table] [tr][th]Event Dates[/th][th]Theme[/th][th]Registration[/th][th]Eligibility & Notes[/th][/tr] [tr][td]Jan 20 Jan 27[/td][td]Real-Time Strategy Fest[/td] [td]-[/td…

Steam Next Fest - Tips

Steam Next Fest is a great time to get your unreleased game in front of potential players and start building your audience. What follows are some tips you may find useful for how to go about…

interacting with fans, making sure your game is visible, and how to get the most out of your participation in Steam Next Fest. [subsection]Your Demo[/subsection] [list] [*] [b]Put a link on your demo home…

Features And Tools, Marketing

[/doclink] [*][h3]Steam Next Fest[/h3] Steam Next Fest is a multi-day celebration where fans can try out demos, chat with developers, watch livestreams, and learn about upcoming games on Steam…

. For developers, Steam Next Fest is an opportunity to get early feedback from players and build an audience for a future launch on Steam. Steam typically hosts three editions of Steam Next Fest each year, which…

Release Dates

when games intend to release even if you choose not to share that exact date with customers. We'll also use that calendar date to generate messages (like inviting you to participate in Steam Next Fest

. [*]Some Steam events such as [doclink=marketing/upcoming_events/nextfest]Steam Next Fest[/doclink] are only available for unreleased games. [/list] [b]Q. Can I release my game on a weekend?[/b] Yes…


in the month of June! These include a Fishing Fest which runs from June 10-14, an Indie Awards Showcase Event from June 18-20 and a Daily Deal on June 12. To do all this, Bass Ain't Bitin' sets up a single…

by custom discount events. [*]Uh oh! Suppose the Fishing Fest needs to be urgently rescheduled to June 1-4. In this case, Bass Ain't Bitin' would need to choose between being on discount for the Fishing…

Livestreaming a Game Demo to the Steam Store

search, the [url=]Demo Content Hub[/url], or being part of Steam Next Fest type events. Demos can have their own separate store page or not, but either way they also…

Hosting Third-Party Sales Events

[/url], or [url=]LudoNarraCon[/url]. [docimg=SalesEventBanner_CozyFest.JPG]SalesEventBanner_CozyFest.JPG[/docimg] [/list] [section]How It Works…

;Fest" unless your event has been called this prior to promotion on Steam. This naming convention is reserved for official Steam-hosted Sales Events.[/list] [subsection]No Advertising or Special…

Results 1 to 20 of 25