Additional Steam Economy methods that provide access to Steam Trading.
NOTE: This is a Service interface, methods in this interface should be called with the
For more info on how to use the Steamworks Web API please see the
Web API Overview.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API user authentication key. |
max_trades | uint32 | ✔ | The number of trades to return information for |
start_after_time | uint32 | ✔ | The time of the last trade shown on the previous page of results, or the time of the first trade if navigating back |
start_after_tradeid | uint64 | ✔ | The tradeid shown on the previous page of results, or the ID of the first trade if navigating back |
navigating_back | bool | ✔ | The user wants the previous page of results, so return the previous max_trades trades before the start time and ID |
get_descriptions | bool | ✔ | If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trades will also be returned |
language | string | ✔ | The language to use when loading item display data |
include_failed | bool | ✔ | |
include_total | bool | ✔ | If set, the total number of trades the account has participated in will be included in the response |
Gets a history of trades
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API publisher authentication key. |
steamid | uint64 | ✔ | User to clear cache for. |
appid | uint32 | ✔ | App to clear cache for. |
contextid | uint64 | ✔ | Context to clear cache for. |
Flushes the cache for a user's inventory in a specific app context
NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API
MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API publisher authentication key. |
appid | uint32 | ✔ | |
Flushes the display cache for assets. This will result in calls to GetAssetClassInfo for each asset class the next time it is displayed.
NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API
MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API publisher authentication key. |
appid | uint32 | ✔ | |
Flushes the cache of inventory contents. This will result in calls to GetContexts and GetContextContents to get fresh data for each user next time Steam needs their inventory.
NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API
MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API user authentication key. |
get_sent_offers | bool | ✔ | Request the list of sent offers. |
get_received_offers | bool | ✔ | Request the list of received offers. |
get_descriptions | bool | ✔ | If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trade offers will also be returned. |
language | string | ✔ | The language to use when loading item display data. |
active_only | bool | ✔ | Indicates we should only return offers which are still active, or offers that have changed in state since the time_historical_cutoff |
historical_only | bool | ✔ | Indicates we should only return offers which are not active. |
time_historical_cutoff | uint32 | ✔ | When active_only is set, offers updated since this time will also be returned |
Get a list of sent or received trade offers
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API user authentication key. |
tradeofferid | uint64 | ✔ | |
language | string | ✔ | |
Gets a specific trade offer
Name | Type | Required | Description |
key | string | ✔ | Steamworks Web API user authentication key. |
time_last_visit | uint32 | ✔ | The time the user last visited. If not passed, will use the time the user last visited the trade offer page. |
Get counts of pending and new trade offers