Steamworks Documentation
User Permission: Receive Steamworks Communication
Receive Steamworks Communication is a partner level permission, which means it is managed at the partner level rather than at the group level. All users within the Steamworks Partner account with this permission will receive non-critical communications sent to Steam Partners in general, as well as communications for that specific partner.

Permission Details

Users with this permission will receive emails from Valve regarding upcoming promotions, targeted events and new feature announcements on Steam. Without this permission, you may still receive other notifications, such as key requests, store page and build reviews, legal notices, and Steamworks group announcements.

Granting the permission

Like any other permission in Steamworks, this can only be granted by users with "User Admin" permissions.

To grant this permission to a user within your Steamworks account, please follow these steps:
  1. Select "Users & Permissions" drop-down and click "Manage Users". Or use this link:
  2. Hover over the row with the user you wish to apply the permission to and click the edit symbol on the far right.
  3. In the pop-up dialog, tic the box for "Receive Steamworks Communication" and click save.
  4. This will send an invitation to the user. The user will need to click the button in the email and confirm their email address in order to start receiving emails.