Steamworks Documentation
Getting Started

Welcome to the Steam PC Café Program

In the following documentation, you will now be able to choose between our two operational models and follow the instructions to get everything set up.

If you've came here by accident and are looking for additional information about the program, please click here to get to the program's info page.

    Recommended Setup

  • PC Cafés - Patrons log in with their personal Steam account for the full Steam experience

    This setup lets users experience Steam at your location in exactly the same way as they would at home. They can earn achievements, rewards, game saves, item drops and even buy things in game.

    This model will require you to run a Steam PC Café Server on a secure computer at your location(s).

    Commercial game licenses are purchased with one Steam (master) account and added to a game license pool.

    Patrons of your venue will be able to log in with their personal Steam account, view the game licenses that you offer through their Steam library and have the option to "check them out" temporarily while in your establishment. They can also play the games they already own on their personal Steam account; this will not affect the game licenses in your license pool.

    You and your customers will benefit from the following:
    • Easy game management using a shared pool of licenses all purchased with your Steam master account.
    • Commercial license discounts and bulk purchase option.
    • If you have multiple locations these licenses can be shared across all of your locations.
    • The PC Café Server can also act as a local content cache to minimize Internet bandwidth usage.
    • Gather and view usage stats on how your customers are using Steam in your business.

    Setup instructions for the PC Café model can be found here.

  • VR Arcades Only - Dedicated Steam Account per VR station
    This model allows VR arcades to create a dedicated Steam account for each station. This will allow patrons to simply walk up to the VR station and dive into Virtual Reality without having to log in or create a Steam account.

    The downside is the extra management required for each account as they must each own their own set of commercial games that the owner purchases individually. Also, since users aren't logged in with their own personal Steam account, they will only have access to the commercial game licenses on your dedicated accounts and won't be able to keep achievements or in-game items.

    Since commercial game licenses are purchased with the individual station account, you will also not have access to the Café server features and content cache.

    VR Arcades may also refer to the recommended setup model.

    Setup instructions for the VR arcade model can be found here.