Steamworks Documentation
Transferring Applications
If you need to transfer a game or other application to another Steamworks partner account, it can be done entirely through a set of tools built into the Steamworks website. These tools manages the approval process and keeps a history of transfers.

Transfers may be useful in cases such as when a game changes ownership, or if an individual forms a corporation and needs to move the game to be distributed under the new corporation.

Necessary permissions and configuration

To complete a transfer of a game with Steamworks, there are some requirements:

The Steam User that initiates the transfer:
  • must have Actual Authority permission within Steamworks for the Steamworks partner account that has current distribution rights for the game.
  • needs to know the e-mail address of the recipient of the transfer.

The Steam User that receives the transfer :
  • must be attached to a complete, verified, and fully onboard Steamworks partner account and have Actual Authority permission within that Steamworks account.
    (Note: If you already have a partner account, but need to make changes to who is listed as Actual Authority, please use our Actual Authority request tool.)
  • if the recipient does not have a fully onboard partner account, one can sign up through Steam Direct and pay the Steam Direct fee.

Starting a transfer

To start a transfer, please visit Transfer Applications tool, which can also be found under the "Tools" menu on the Steamworks website. You will need to be the Actual Authority of your Steamworks partner account to complete an app transfer.

Steps of the transfer

A transfer consists of five steps. The length of the entire process depends on how long it takes the recipient and transferer to confirm the transfer. Once both parties have fully approved the app transfer, Valve will need to approve the transfer. Valve will do so as quickly as possible, usually within 2-7 business days.

  1. Transferer initiates the transfer. The existing manager of an app will:
    • enter the e-mail address of the recipient to initiate the transfer .
    • choose an effective date for the transfer, see more about the effective date below.
    • provide a reason for the transfer so Valve can more easily review and approve the transfer.
  2. Recipient approves the transfer. The recipient will:
    • receive an e-mail notifying of the pending transfer. That e-mail leads to the App Transfer Tool under the "Tools" menu in Steamworks.
    • see any pending transfers initiated by other partners.
    • need to have Actual Authority for the Steamworks partner account to complete an app transfer.
  3. Transferer re-confirms the transfer.
  4. Valve will review the transfer. If there are questions about the reason for the transfer, we will email the actual authority users to obtain more information.
  5. Transfer complete. Once approved, all management rights transfer to the new partner.

Effective Date

The effective date of a transfer is the date that payments will begin to the new partner.

The effective date is not the date that management rights transfer to the new partner. Management rights will transfer immediately upon approval by Valve.

The system defaults to an effective date of 7 days from the date the transfer is initiated.

Transfer of Attached Data

All data, including sales, wishlists, followers, user reviews, etc. are associated with the game and will always be associated with the game. But access to reports of that data by the Transferee can be limited to certain time ranges when an app is transferred. Below are some details on how various pieces of data are handled.

Store page, community hub, user reviews, etc. remain the same

All public elements of the appID will remain exactly the same after the transfer, and customer ownership is not interrupted or changed. Once the transfer completes, the new owner of the appID can edit the store page, edit the Publisher field, upload new assets, update the build, change the price and so on. But everything will stay the same until the new owner makes changes. No community content (user reviews, forums, etc) will be affected by the transfer.

Existing bundle management is not transferred

If the game is already included in a bundle prior to transfer, management of the bundle does not transfer with the game. Please have the transferer remove the game from any existing bundles prior to transferring if necessary. An alternate option is to ask the original bundle creator to convert the bundle to a collaborative bundle.

Wishlist reporting moves with the game

All historical wishlist data will transfer with the game, becoming entirely accessible by the transferee.

Sales reporting is split at the effective date

By default, financial information is only visible to partners from time periods that they were paid for the game. Therefore, the new owner will see financial information only from the point of transfer and not before. Visibility of full sales history can be granted to the recipient by the Transferer. To share financial viewing rights, please see Application Management Sharing.

UTM reporting is split at the effective date

By default, the recipient Steamworks partner will only have access to two weeks of UTM data prior to the transfer effective date and forward. The historical UTM data will remain associated with the Transferer. If access is needed to this information, management rights can be shared back to the Transferer once the app is transferred.

Publisher API keys are not transferred with the game

If the application's backend infrastructure makes use of publisher API keys (e.g., for microtransactions, authentication/entitlement checks, etc.) then you will need to create new API keys under the Steamworks partner that is receiving the transferred app. To ensure uninterrupted functionality during the transfer, we recommend the following process:
  1. Share the app to the recipient Steamworks partner account.
  2. Create your new API key(s) under the recipient Steamworks partner.
  3. Update the game's server infrastructure to use the new API key(s) and confirm expected functionality.
  4. Complete the application transfer as documented above.


Q. Can I set when the new company will start receiving payments?

A. Only the initiator can set the effective date which is when payments will begin to the receiving party once the transfer request is approved by Valve.

You may wish to choose a particular date to conform to your contract, but we find that for accounting purposes, the 1st of the current or following month may be a convenient date for some partners.

We do not recommend and may not allow dates far in advance of the current date or dates earlier than the 1st of the current month.

Q. How long does the app transfer process take?

A. Once both parties have fully approved the app transfer, Valve will respond to the request as quickly as possible. Usually within 2-7 business days.

Q. Can I transfer multiple applications in one request? Can I transfer DLC?

A. Yes, you can select multiple applications and DLC to transfer in a single request.

Q. Transferee accepted the transfer, but it is still "Awaiting Confirmation From Transferer", what do I do?

A. The transferer or initiator should have received an email with a link to confirm the transfer. If you cannot find it, you can cancel and repeat the process. If that doesn't work please create a support ticket.

Q. Can I run a discount on a game right away once transfer has been completed?

A. Transferred games are subject to the same discount cool-down timing as normal. This cool-down does not get reset or shortened by the app transfer process. For more details, please see Discounting Rules.

Monthly payment reports and history belongs to the former partner and this information is not transferred.

Q. What happens to a game appearing on a Developer or Publisher Homepage when it's been transferred (aka Creator Home pages )?

A. When a transfer is initiated for an appID, the appID will automatically be removed from all Developer or Publisher Homepages that it is currently listed on. Once the transfer is complete, the appID can be listed on the new Developer/Publisher Homepage.

Q. What happens to a game's wishlist or followers during a transfer?

A. Nothing. The wishlists and followers are tied to the game and will be preserved if ownership is transferred.

Q. Will the new owner be able to see financial data from before the transfer?

A. By default, financial information is only visible to partners from time periods that they were paid for the game. Therefore, the new owner will see financial information only from the point of transfer and not before. To share financial viewing rights, please see Application Management Sharing.

Q. My transferred game is in a bundle that I don't want it to be in. How do I remove it from the old bundle?

A. Please send us a ticket and we can help remove the game from the bundle.