Steamworks Documentation
Quick Start Guide
New to Steam or looking for a refresher on important topics?

Our most useful and popular documentation pages are listed below, sorted by function. This is not an exhaustive list of articles on Steam, but is meant to give you a place to start.

One of the first things to understand is that Steam refers to the customer-facing platform where customers buy games, write reviews, discuss game strategies, post screenshots, and more. Steamworks is the backend platform that holds the tools that allow developers and publishers to make changes to their public-facing Steam pages, upload builds, manage their banking information, and more.

Table of Contents

Required Reading
General KnowledgeTopics in this section are important for you to understand, regardless of your role, as foundational information on How Steam Works.
Sorted by Topic
Steamworks - Account ManagementOrganizing your Partner account on Steam, including details on banking, tax, and permissions.
Game DevelopmentA non-exhaustive list of the many game development options and tools that are available on Steam.
Release ManagementRequirements, tools, and best practices on managing your game's lifecycle on Steam.
MonetizationPricing, discounting, game monetization models, and more.
MarketingAll things marketing on Steam, and some details on managing marketing from off Steam too.
Advanced ToolsOnce you've got the basics down, there's even more you can do with your game on Steam.

General Knowledge

There are some things that you should know about, regardless of your role, if you're going to be using Steam. Here's a short list of what you probably want to know.

How Steam Is Organized

Applications are the backbone of how Steam organizes and manages your game. This is important information that every Steamworks user should understand.
Packages customers purchase your game, they purchase a package, not an Application - learn more about how that works here.
Wishlists can wishlist your game, which signals strong interest and enables emails to them when your title goes through major milestones. These are very important signals both before and after your game launches.

How Your Game is Presented to Customers

Coming Soon more about the Coming Soon phase of release, where your store page is public to customers but not yet available for sale.
Store Pages store page is the face of your game. Learn more about getting it approved and how to change it.
User Reviews reviews are a valuable tool for customers to learn about your game. Learn more about how those work here, including advice on how to handle them.
Wishlists can wishlist your game, which signals strong interest and enables emails to them when your title goes through major milestones. These are very important signals both before and after your game launches.

How Customers Find Your Game

Tags wonder how Steam categorizes games? Well, firstly, you do - and here's how to set it up.
Visibility on Steam wonder what determines where your game shows up? Learn more about how that works across Steam and on the front page here.
Upcoming (Sales) Events runs many events, including Seasonal Sales, Next Fest, and theme Fests. Learn more about what's upcoming, and how to join, on this page.

Steamworks - Account Management

Are you responsible for finances, keeping up on paperwork or managing permissions? Here are the pages you want to be aware of.

Onboarding to Steam more about how to get started on Steamworks, the back-end portal that helps you manage your game on Steam.
Managing Your Steamworks Account more about organizing your users, your groups, and giving the right people the right permissions.
Finance reporting, refund reporting, tax FAQ and more!

Game Development

This catch-all section has information on all things technical, common Steam features, and more.

Steam Features

Here are some common Steam features that you may want to integrate in your game.
Localization and Languages more about how to support multiple languages on Steam. As a global platform, localization is important to maximizing visibility.
Early Access Access allows games to be sold ahead of 1.0 release, and is a promise to customers to take customer feedback into consideration during the development process. Early Access is not a marketing tool, and not a pre-purchase.
Demos has the ability to provide free demos for your customers so that they can try before they buy. Learn more here.
Steam Playtest Playtest is a free, low-risk way to get playtesting data on your game. This tool works for both small closed betas and large technical stress tests.
Multiplayer your game support multiplayer? Learn more about the tools available to you here.
Steam Remote Play Play Together allows friends to join an active gaming session as if they were sitting at the same computer. You can also use this to enable remote testing without having to download any files
Steam Workshop houses User Generated Content, and here's how to implement it in your game.

Technical Features

Here are some more technical Steam features that you should consider integrating into your game.
Steam Cloud and transparent remote file storage for your game - save files, settings, and more!
Steam DRM more about verifying game ownership and ensuring Steamworks features work properly with Steam DRM.
Steam Input hub for all things input device (ie controllers!) on Steamworks.

Technical References

Builds determine what content is being delivered to the customer. That, and more about beta branches, here.
Testing Your Game sure to test that your game works, and that your game works on Steam. More on how to do that here.
Common Redistributables a redistributable your game needs? Learn more about using Common ones here and let us do the install script work.
User Authentication exposes multiple methods for authenticating a Steam user's identity, and verifying ownership of an application. Learn more here.
Virtual Reality more about SteamVR, and how to get your VR game to work on Steam.
Uploading to Steam's our head to toe walkthrough on uploading things to Steam.


Looking for how to get your game on Steam? That, and APIs, here.
The Steamworks SDK is how you upload your game to Steam. Very important.
Steamworks API Overview you want to get into some of the features Steam has, the Steamworks API is how you do a lot of it.
Steamworks API Reference that you know how to do API calls, here's the list of things you can do.
Web API Overview has a web API which you can use to access Steamworks features. Learn more about how to access it here.
Web API Reference now that you've learned how to access it, look at the list of things you can do with it.

Release Management

We try and make releasing your game on Steam relatively simple; even still, you can be extra prepared by taking a look at the topics below before you have to do it.

Coming Soon more about the Coming Soon phase of release, where your store page is public to customers but not yet available for sale.
Getting Ready for Release more about the two checklists that are required for release.
Graphical Assets more about all of the types of graphic assets you'll need to prepare to release your title.
Trailers are required to release on Steam. More on best practices and requirements here.
Release Dates to tell the world when your release date is? Learn more about your options here.
Releasing My Game are a few ways to release on Steam - learn more about them here.
Updating Your Game is built around the core functionality of keeping your game up-to-date with the latest build of your game. We've collected some best practices for you to review here.
Game Removal/Retirement you need to stop selling your game for some reason, learn more here about how to accomplish that.
Steam Keys keys are a free service that allows you to sell your game on other stores, provide access to beta testers, and more. There are strict rules around keys - learn more here.


There are many ways you might try and monetize your game - here are your options on Steam, as well as additional information regarding discounting and pricing your title.

Pricing price of your game is entirely up to you, but learn more about our rules and best practices here.
Discounting on running discounts on Steam, along with cooldown rules.
DLC you have additional content - from anything from an expansion to cosmetics - and you want to offer that at a cost directly on the store page of the game? That's DLC.
Free to Play to Play is a way to provide your game to customers for free to download. This includes games with in-app purchases (Free to Play/F2P) and totally free experiences (free).
Microtransactions (IAP) more about in-game purchases on Steam.
Pre-Purchases games will not qualify for pre-purchases on Steam. But if you think it could be you, read on to learn more about our requirements.


Articles in this section are focused around marketing - both things that can be done on Steam, as well as tips and tricks for Steam as a platform.

Features & Tools primer on the many features and tools you can use to market your game on Steam. Many of those tools have individual pages, listed below.
Best Practices best practices, summarized in one neat page.
Events and Announcements think talking to your customers is really important. Steam has a system built to help you communicate.
Upcoming (Sales) Events runs many events, including Seasonal Sales, Next Fest, and theme Fests. Learn more about what's upcoming, and how to join, on this page.
Steam Community games have a community hub by default. Learn more about what goes on in there - discussions! screenshots! news! reviews! guides!
Developer and Publisher Homepages and Publisher Homepages are a central location on Steam for customers to view all the games made by your organization.
Franchise Pages Pages are a way for you to organize a set of related games together.
Livestreaming can livestream to your store page or an event page. Learn more on how to accomplish that here.

Advanced Tools

Okay, you've read all the other stuff. Here are some topics you might want to read about next.

Profile Features your game has gained enough popularity, Steam unlocks a set of features for your title like Trading Cards and Badges.
Steam Community Items more about Steam Trading Cards, Badges, and more and get templates on what those should look like.
Steam Deck Deck is our next generation handheld gaming device - learn more about preparing your game for the device, our verification program, and various social assets.
Promotional Sale Pages to create a custom sale landing page on Steam? This is the page for you.
Steam Families Families is a feature that allows users to play games from up to five close family members' libraries. Learn more here.
Steam Inventory Service feature allows persistent player inventories, which allows you to drop items to users' Steam inventories, or grant them based on specific triggers.

If you're looking for more information, you'll have to go digging in the documentation. If you have any questions that aren't answered by reviewing documentation, please feel free to message us via the Support Portal.