Steamworks Documentation
Sales Landing Page Editor - Minimum Requirements
For sale landing pages, there is a robust set of tools that provide a lot of power and customization. Described here are the minimum set of requirements for a basic page.

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Sales page Events are made up of two parts:
  1. The announcement - This is the part of the event that shows up as 'news' on your group's page and in the News Hub for any users that follow your group or developer homepage.
  2. The landing page - The sale event page itself that features the games, broadcasts, and/or events that you configure.

Getting Started

Sale landing pages are built on top of Steam Community groups for Developers homepages or Steam Curators. They need to be enabled specifically by someone at Valve.


To access the sales page feature, please navigate to your publisher or curator page on Steam and click ADMIN (example URL:

Text Requirements

  • Title - You'll need to give your event a title under the "Description" tab
  • Description - You'll need to provide text about your event. This will be posted within your publisher/developer homepage when you hit 'publish'

Required Artwork and Banners

Download the full set of Photoshop templates here:

The minimum required banners and artwork are these two:
  • Event Cover Image - This is the image that appears when your page is shared on social media and in lists on Steam
  • Store Sale Page Background - The image that appears at the top and background of your sale page.

See full sale page documentation