Steamworks Documentation
Application Management Sharing
In some cases, you may need to give another Steamworks partner access to one of your Applications. For example, you may be working with a studio on your game and you both need to be able to upload builds or edit the store page. In some cases you may not want to add this other company's users to your own Steamworks partner account, and instead let them manage their own users and access. If the scenario of more than one Steamworks partner needing editing access to the same App ID applies to you and you do not need or want accounts from a different Steamworks partner in your group, then sharing an Application is the right solution.

When an application is shared, all groups have equal full access to the application. Payment rules remain unchanged.

You should only share applications with trusted entities that you have a relationship with.

Q. What are the requirements to share an Application?

A. To initiate sharing an Application you must
  • Be the primary payee of any apps you wish to share. This means you must be getting paid for either all platforms or Windows.
  • Have an SDA and NDA signed with the capability to publish new apps on Steam.
  • Be an Admin OR Actual Authority of your Steamworks partner group.
  • The Application must not be banned or retired on Steam.
  • Your Steamworks account must not be banned.

Q. What steps are involved in sharing an application?

  1. Navigate to your Application Management Sharing page on Steamworks.
  2. Create a "Share Invite Link" by selecting the Applications you would like to share. A confirmation dialog will appear asking if you would also like to share financial view rights with the other entity. You may also add an internal note for your organization to see.
  3. Copy the link provided and send it to an Admin or Actual Authority user in the Steamworks account you would like to share the applications with. You can view the link any time from your Application Management Sharing under 'Pending Invites'.
  4. The other party will need to accept the invitation and confirm the application share details. You will receive an email notifying you when that is complete.
  5. Once the other party has accepted, you must confirm again that the Steamworks partner that accepted is correct by reviewing the invitation on the Application Management Sharing page and looking under 'Pending Invites'.
  6. If everything looks good, click to accept the invite. Otherwise, you can decline the invite and it will be voided. Once you accept the invite, the apps will be automatically shared with the other Steamworks account.
  7. You can revoke an app share at any time by going to your Application Management Sharing page and looking under the 'Active Invites' section for the 'Revoke' button next to the invite. Only the owner of the shared apps can revoke the app share.

Q. Can I share financial access to the shared apps?

A. Yes. When creating an app share invite, you can optionally grant access for the receiving Steamworks account to see financial data for the shared applications. However, permission for viewing financial data is still controlled by the 'View Financials' Steamworks permission, meaning that users in the receiving Steamworks partner will need this permission on their accounts to view financial data for the shared apps.

Q. Will Valve need to approve my app share invites?

A. No. Approvals for sharing applications are handled directly between the sender and recipient.

Q. Do App Share Invites expire?

A. Once an application has been shared, the invite will be active for the next 2 weeks or until the share is completed if less than 2 weeks. An invite can be canceled at anytime by the sender throug the App Share Tool or a Valve employee if requested by submitting a support ticket. If an invite expires, the sender would need to create a new app share invite to reinitiate a share.

Q. What if I need the other party to get paid for the application?

A. You will need to transfer the application to the other Steamworks account. App sharing does not modify payment rules. If you need to transfer an Application so that a different Steamworks partner received payment, but you still need access to that Application to work on it, then the recipient of the transfer can share the Application back to you so you still have access to it. Please see documentation regarding app transfers for more information.

Q. Who can set pricing and discounts for the shared Application?

A. The partner that has payment rights for the shared Application is the only partner that will be able to enter pricing or add discounts to the shared Application's packages.