Τεκμηρίωση Steamworks
ISteamRemoteStorage Interface
Primary interface for interacting with the Steam Workshop and User Generated Content (UGC).

See IPublishedFileService, IWorkshopService, ISteamPublishedItemSearch, and ISteamPublishedItemVoting for additional Workshop and UGC related methods.


POST https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/EnumerateUserSubscribedFiles/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
appiduint32appID of product

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


POST https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetCollectionDetails/v1/
collectioncountuint32Number of collections being requested
publishedfileids[0]uint64collection ids to get the details for


POST https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails/v1/
itemcountuint32Number of items being requested
publishedfileids[0]uint64published file id to look up


GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetUGCFileDetails/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
steamiduint64If specified, only returns details if the file is owned by the SteamID specified
ugciduint64ID of UGC file to get info for
appiduint32appID of product


POST https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/SetUGCUsedByGC/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
ugciduint64ID of UGC file whose bits are being fiddled with
appiduint32appID of product to change updating state for
usedboolNew state of flag

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


POST https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/SubscribePublishedFile/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
appiduint32appID of product
publishedfileiduint64published file id to subscribe to

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


POST https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/UnsubscribePublishedFile/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
appiduint32appID of product
publishedfileiduint64published file id to unsubscribe from

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!