Документація Steamworks
ISteamEconomy Interface
A secondary interface to interact with the Економіка Steam.
See also: IGameInventory.

For more info on how to use the Steamworks Web API please see the Огляд веб-API.


GET https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/CanTrade/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32That the key is associated with. Must be a steam economy app.
steamiduint64SteamID of user attempting to initiate a trade
targetiduint64SteamID of user that is the target of the trade invitation

NOTE: для цього виклику необхідний API-ключ видавця. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


POST https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/FinalizeAssetTransaction/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32The app ID the user is buying assets for
steamiduint64SteamID of the user making a purchase
txnidstringThe transaction ID
languagestringThe local language for the user

NOTE: для цього виклику необхідний API-ключ видавця. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
appiduint32Must be a steam economy app.
languagestringThe user's local language
class_countuint32Number of classes requested. Must be at least one.
classid0uint64Class ID of the nth class.
instanceid0uint64Instance ID of the nth class.


GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API user authentication key.
appiduint32Must be a steam economy app.
currencystringThe currency to filter for
languagestringThe user's local language

Returns prices and categories for items that users are able to purchase.


GET https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/GetExportedAssetsForUser/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
steamiduint64SteamID of user
appiduint32The app to get exported items from.
contextiduint64The context in the app to get exported items from.

Retrieves the list of assets from another game to import.

NOTE: для цього виклику необхідний API-ключ видавця. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


GET https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/GetMarketPrices/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32Must be a steam economy app.

NOTE: для цього виклику необхідний API-ключ видавця. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


POST https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/StartAssetTransaction/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32The app ID the user is buying assets for
steamiduint64SteamID of user making a purchase
assetid0stringThe ID of the first asset the user is buying - there must be at least one
assetquantity0uint32The quantity of assetid0's the the user is buying
currencystringThe local currency for the user
languagestringThe local language for the user
ipaddressstringThe user's IP address
referrerstringThe referring URL
clientauthboolIf true (default is false), the authorization will appear in the user's steam client overlay, rather than as a web page - useful for stores that are embedded in products.

NOTE: для цього виклику необхідний API-ключ видавця. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


GET https://partner.steam-api.com/ISteamEconomy/StartTrade/v1/
keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32That the key is associated with. Must be a steam economy app.
partyauint64SteamID of first user in the trade
partybuint64SteamID of second user in the trade

NOTE: для цього виклику необхідний API-ключ видавця. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!