IInventoryService grænseflade
Dette er grænsefladen, som bruges til at tilgå Steam-inventartjenesten.

BEMÆRK: Dette er en tjenestegrænseflade. Metoder i denne grænseflade bør kaldes med parameteren input_json.

Se Web-API-oversigt for flere oplysninger om, hvordan du bruger Steamworks-web-API'en.


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32The ID of the application associated with the item.
itemdefiduint64List of the itemdefid's to grant. Dette bør angives som en serie af parametre navngivet "itemdefid[0]",
"itemdefid[1]" osv.
steamiduint64SteamID of the player to receive the items.
notifyboolOptional, default 0. Set to 1 to indicate the user is not in-game and should see a Steam notification.
requestiduint64Optional, default 0. Clients may provide a unique identifier for a request to perform at most once execution. When a requestid is resubmitted, it will not cause the work to be performed again; the response message will be the current state of items affected by the original successful execution.
trade_restrictionboolOptional, default 0. Set to 1 to have Steam apply market and trade cooldowns as if this was a purchased item.

AddItem is used to add new items directly in a user's inventory. For each itemdef, an instance of that type is created and added to the target account.

Items of type 'bundle' or 'generator' are unpacked at the time they are added. The response message provides information about the item or items that were actually inserted in the inventory.

This call will fail if the itemdef is not defined or cannot be unpacked; or if the target player does not have permission for the given appid.

Player notification of a new item, if any, is best handled by the game client. Calls to AddItem that occur when the player is not in-game may optionally set notify=1 to notify the player via Steam. This may engage any of the player-notification mechanisms in Steam, including an overlay popup.

The optional requestid parameter allows a client to make an idempotent call. If the client is unsure whether a request completed successfully on the server, it can replay the request, reusing the original request ID.
If the request is replayed, the response will include current state for the items that were affected by the original request, without making new changes.

If the original request fails on the server, replaying the same request ID will re-attempt the work rather than reporting the prior error result.

If the user owns your app from a free license and has not played in the last 30 days, AddItem will also fail.

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!

  • response
    • success – true, hvis metoden lykkedes. Hvis asset serveren returnerer false, bør den angive error til en string, som forklarer hvorfor.
    • error – en streng, som beskriver, hvorfor dette kald mislykkedes. Denne besked vil blive optaget i en fejllog, som er tilgængelig under fanen "Økonomi" på Steamworks-siden.
    • item_json - an array of the item details of the newly created items. This is returned as encoded JSON containing the actual item properties.
    • replayed – hvis true, indikerer det, at det givne anmodnings-ID blev behandlet tidligere, og at svaret er baseret på den første eksekvering. This will not be included if requestid is not specified.

Eksempel på svar:
{ "response": { "item_json": "[{ \"accountid\":\"148618792083651397\",\"itemid\":\"17209346500926339\",\"Timestamp\":\"\",\"originalitemid\":\"17209346500926339\",\"itemdefid\":\"120\",\"appid\":480,\"position\":0,\"quantity\":1,\"transid\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"origin\":\"external\",\"price\":\"\",\"acquired\":\"20140912T195537Z\"}]" } }

Calling Example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ -d appid=480 \ -d steamid=292733980074050545 \ -d itemdefid[0]=4111 \ -d itemdefid[1]=4112 \ ""


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
notifyboolSkal give brugeren besked om, at genstanden blev tilføjet til deres Steam-inventar.
requestiduint64Clients may provide a unique identifier for a request to perform at most once execution. When a requestid is resubmitted, it will not cause the work to be performed again; the response message will be the current state of items affected by the original successful execution.

Tilføjer en promogenstand til brugerens inventar. Hvis den kaldes uden itemdefid-parameteren, tjekker den for og tildeler tilgængelige promogenstande til spilleren.

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Derfor SKAL denne API kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!



keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
itemiduint64Genstands-ID, som skal forbruges
quantitystringMængden af givne stablede genstande, som skal forbruges
requestiduint64Clients may provide a unique identifier for a request to perform at most once execution. When a requestid is resubmitted, it will not cause the work to be performed again; the response message will be the current state of items affected by the original successful execution.

Marks an item as wholly or partially consumed. This action cannot be reversed.

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!

A client SDK version of this call is also available: ISteamInventory::ConsumeItem


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32The ID of the application associated with the item.
steamiduint64SteamID of the player that owns the items.
materialsitemiduint64The unique ID an item in the player's inventory to be converted to the target item type. This should be provided as materialsitemid[0], materialsitemid[1], etc.
materialsquantityuint32The quantity of the matching item that should be used in this recipe. This array must be the same length as materialsitemid.
outputitemdefiduint64The ItemDef of the item to be created.

ExchangeItem is used for crafting - converting items using a predefined recipe. A successful exchange destroys the set of items required by the crafting recipe, and adds a new instance of the target itemdef to the player's inventory.

The target item definition must have one or more crafting recipes declared in the exchange attribute. Recipes declare the number and type of items required to create the target item. If the set of items provided in the ExchangeItems call does not satisfy any recipe, the call fails and no changes are made to the inventory.

See the Inventory Service Schema documentation for more detail on crafting recipes.

The crafting operation will take trade and market restrictions into account; the created item will have the latest trade restriction of any item used to create it.

If successful, this call returns an encoded JSON blob that lists the items that were changed by this call - the consumed items and the newly created one.
NOTE: Never distribute your Steam API key with your game. Denne API skal kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter.

A client SDK version of this call is also available: ISteamInventory::ExchangeItems

  • response
    • item_json - details of all items affected by the exchange. This is returned as a string which contains encoded JSON of the actual item properties. Returns an empty array for unsuccessful exchanges.

Eksempel på svar:
{ "response": { "item_json": "[{ \"accountid\":\"292733980074050545\",\"itemid\":\"1503713096879725\",\"itemdefid\":\"4111\",\"state\":\"removed\" ... } }

Calling Example:
curl --request POST \ --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \ --form appid=30400 \ --form 'materialsitemid[0]=1510699974025744' \ --form 'materialsitemid[1]=1510699974025745' \ --form 'materialsitemid[2]=1510699974025746' \ --form 'materialsquantity[0]=1' \ --form 'materialsquantity[1]=1' \ --form 'materialsquantity[2]=5' \ --form steamid=292733980074050545 \ --form outputitemdefid=4111 \'


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32The ID of the application associated with the item.
steamiduint6464-bit Steam-ID for brugeren, hvis inventar du anmoder om.

GetInventory is used to retrieve a user's inventory.

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og kan aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!

  • response
    • success - True if the method was successful. Hvis asset serveren returnerer false, bør den angive error til en string, som forklarer hvorfor.
    • error – en streng, som beskriver, hvorfor dette kald mislykkedes. Denne besked vil blive optaget i en fejllog, som er tilgængelig under fanen "Økonomi" på Steamworks-siden.
    • item_json - an array of the item details of the inventory. Each is a string which contains encoded JSON of the actual item properties.

For detailed description on the output values, refer to the Core Schema documentation.

Eksempel på svar:
{ "response": { "item_json": "[{ \"accountid\":\"xxxxx\",\"itemid\":\"17212166272724458\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-10-13T22:41:00.4928464Z\",\"originalitemid\":\"17212166272724458\",\"itemdefid\":\"120\",\"appid\":480,\"position\":0,\"quantity\":1,\"transid\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"origin\":\"external\",\"price\":\"\",\"acquired\":\"20141013T224100Z\"}, { \"accountid\":\"xxxxx\",\"itemid\":\"17212166272732706\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-10-13T22:42:50.1328464Z\",\"originalitemid\":\"17212166272732706\",\"itemdefid\":\"121\",\"appid\":480,\"position\":0,\"quantity\":1,\"transid\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"origin\":\"external\",\"price\":\"\",\"acquired\":\"20141013T224250Z\"} ]" }}

Calling Example:
$fields = array( 'appid' > '480', 'itemlist[0]' > '120', 'itemorigin' > '', 'steamid' > 'xxxxx', 'key' > 'xxxx' ); var_dump($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host.'/IInventoryService/GetInventory/v1?appid=480&steamid=xxxxx&key=yyyyyy' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); $data = curl_exec( $ch ); var_dump($data);


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32The ID of the application associated with the item.
modifiedsincestringUse to retrieve just updates to the itemdefs since a given time. Formatet er yyyymmddThhmmssZ (for eksempel 20140808T010203Z).
itemdefidsuint64Use to retrieve just specific itemdefs by itemdefid
workshopidsuint64Use to retrieve just specific itemdefs by workshopid
cache_max_age_secondsuint32Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.

GetItemDefs is used to retrieve the itemdefs for a given application.

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!

  • response
    • success - True if the method was successful. Hvis asset serveren returnerer false, bør den angive error til en string, som forklarer hvorfor.
    • error – en streng, som beskriver, hvorfor dette kald mislykkedes. Denne besked vil blive optaget i en fejllog, som er tilgængelig under fanen "Økonomi" på Steamworks-siden.
    • itemdef_json - an array of the item details of the newly created item. Each is a string which contains encoded JSON of the actual item properties.

Eksempel på svar:
{ "response": { "itemdef_json":"[ { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"10\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:10.4628321Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"generator\",\"name\":\"Drop Generator/",/"bundle/":/"100x100;101x50;102x25;103x2;110x20;111x20;120x5;121x3/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Drop Generator\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Drop Generator\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"generator\",\"itemslot\":\"generator\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"100\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:28:44.4816369Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Plus ship decoration/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Plus ship decoration\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Plus ship decoration\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"decoration\",\"itemslot\":\"decoration\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"101\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:25.5198429Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Star ship decoration/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Star ship decoration\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Star ship decoration\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"decoration\",\"itemslot\":\"decoration\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"102\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:33.6544695Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Stripe ship decoration/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Stripe ship decoration\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Stripe ship decoration\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"decoration\",\"itemslot\":\"decoration\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"103\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:39.5676519Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Hat ship decoration/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"1;USD99/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Hat ship decoration\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Hat ship decoration\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"decoration\",\"itemslot\":\"decoration\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"110\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:44.0715525Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Doublefire gun/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Doublefire gun\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Doublefire gun\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"weapon\",\"itemslot\":\"weapon\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"111\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:48.9635307Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Fastfire gun/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Fastfire gun\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Fastfire gun\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"weapon\",\"itemslot\":\"weapon\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"120\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:29:52.9633305Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Cloaking field/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Cloaking field\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Cloaking field\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"power\",\"itemslot\":\"power\"}, { \"appid\":\"480\",\"itemdefid\":\"121\",\"Timestamp\":\"2014-09-12T01:30:00.0237423Z\",\"modified\":\"20140808T010203Z\",\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Shield generator/",/"bundle/":/"/",/"price/":/"/",/"quantity/":0,/"description/":/"/",/"background_color/":/"3C352E/",/"icon_url/":/"",/"icon_url_large/":/"",/"market_name/":/"Shield generator\",\"market_hash_name\":\"Shield generator\",\"name_color\":\"7D6D00\",\"workshopid\":\"0\",\"flags\":1,\"game_type\":\"power\",\"itemslot\":\"power\"} ]" } }

Calling Example:
$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); $data = curl_exec( $ch ); echo $data . '<br>'; $output = json_decode( $data ); $itemdef = json_decode( $output->response->itemdef_json ); var_dump( $itemdef );


keystringSteamworks-web-API – brugergodkendelsesnøgle.

Get the Inventory Service price sheet


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
itemdefiduint64 array

Consolidate items of the given type within an user's inventory.

Whenever items are combined into a stack, the resulting stack takes the market and trade restriction values of the most-restricted item. The Consolidate action ignores any item with an active market or trade restriction, unless 'force' is set to true.

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
itemdefiduint64[]Liste med itemdef-ID'er, som skal forespørges. Dette bør angives som en serie af parametre navngivet "itemdefid[0]",
"itemdefid[1]" osv.

Get the total number of available items of the given type

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og må aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!


keystringSteamworks-web-API – udgivergodkendelsesnøgle
steamiduint64The steamid of the user who owns the items. Must be specified in the input_json parameter.
timestampuint32Unix timestamp of the request. An error will be returned if the items have been modified since this request time. Must be specified in the input_json parameter.
updatesmessageThe list of items and properties being modified. Must be specified in the input_json parameter.

Structure of the updates property:
itemiduint64The id of the item being modified.
property_namestringThe name of the dynamic property being added/updated/removed.
property_value_stringstringThe string value of the property to set.
property_value_boolboolThe boolean value of the property to set.
property_value_intint64The 64 bit integer value of the property to set.
property_value_floatstringThe 32 bit float value of the property to set.
remove_propertyboolSet to true if the property should be removed.

Modify the dynamic properties on items for the given user. This call is rate-limited per user and currently only 100 items can be modified in one call.

Example input_json:

{ "steamid": "76561197970323416", "timestamp": 1513274037, "updates": [ { "itemid": "1", "property_name": "fx", "property_value_string": "blue_flames" }, { "itemid": "1", "property_name": "quality", "property_value_string": "high" }, { "itemid": "1", "property_name": "color", "remove_property": true } ] }

Calling Example:
curl --request POST \ --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \ --form appid=30400 \ --form 'input_json={ "steamid" : "76561197970323416", "timestamp" : 1513274037, "updates" : [] }' \'

NOTE: Dette kald kræver en API-udgivernøgle for at bruge denne metode. Denne API SKAL kaldes fra en sikker server og kan aldrig bruges direkte af klienter!