IGameInventory Interface
The primary interface to interact with the Steam-talous.
See also: ISteamEconomy.

For more info on how to use the Steamworks Web API please see the Verkko-ohjelmointirajapinnan yleiskatsaus.


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32appid of game
steamiduint64The steam ID of the account to operate on
commandstringThe command to run on that asset
contextiduint64The context to fetch history for
argumentsstringThe arguments that were provided with the command in the first place

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32appid of game
steamiduint64The Steam ID to fetch history for
contextiduint64The context to fetch history for
starttimeuint32Start time of the history range to collect
endtimeuint32End time of the history range to collect

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32appid of game
steamiduint64The asset ID to operate on
contextiduint64The context to fetch history for
actoriduint32A unique 32 bit ID for the support person executing the command

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


keystringSteamworks Web API publisher authentication key.
appiduint32appid of game
assetiduint64The asset ID to operate on
contextiduint64The context to fetch history for

NOTE: This call requires a publisher API key to use this method. As such this API MUST be called from a secure server, and can never be used directly by clients!


keystringSteamworks-ohjelmointirajapinnan julkaisijan varmennetunnus.
appiduint32pelin appid
itemdefsJSON-matriisiYksi tai useampi JSON-matriisissa esitelty esinemääritys on päivitettävissä tai luotavissa.

Tämän menetelmän tuloksena on JSON-objekti.
  • vastaus
    • success - Tosi, jos menetelmä onnistui. Jos elementtipalvelin palaa epätotena, sen tulee määrittää virhe merkkijonoon, joka selittää syyn.
    • error – Merkkijono, joka kertoo syyn kutsun epäonnistumiselle. Tämä viesti tallennetaan virhelokiin, joka on saatavilla Steamworks-sivuston Talous-välilehdeltä.
    • failed - Matriisi esinemääritystunnuksille, joiden päivitys onnistui tällä kutsulla.

Esimerkki koodista
curl --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ --form appid=30400 \ --form 'itemdefs=[{"appid":"30400","itemdefid":"418","type":"item","display_type":"bag","name":"Bag of Stuff","description":"This bag contains stuff.","background_color":"993300","tradable": true,"marketable": true,"commodity": true,"tags":"class:human;type:bag"}, {"appid": "30400","itemdefid":"403","type":"item","display_type":"cat","name":"Cat of Bags","description":"This cat contains multitudes."}]' ""

Esimerkki koodista
{ "result": { "updated": [ "418", "403" ], "failed": [], "success": true } }
Once you have completed all the updates to the item definitions, if you've modified the marketable or tradeable flags, make a call to FlushAssetAppearanceCache to immediately update the state of the associated items on the market. This call executes an expensive server operation so should only be done after all updates are completed and only when these flags have been modified.