Skabeloner for spilhandlingsfiler
Her er nogle eksempler på skabeloner til IGA-filer, som du kan bruge som udgangspunkt for dine spil. De er ikke til noget bestemt spil, og dit spil har måske særlige krav, som ikke er dækket i nogen af skabelonerne, så eksperimenter endelig. Dette er bare for at give dig et godt skelet at bygge på.


Dette er en meget minimal fil: Ét handlingssæt, én digital handling og én analog handling. Omtrent lige så meget funktionalitet som et Atari-joystick eller en mus med én knap.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "TheOneAndOnlySet" { "title" "#Set_Title" "Button" { "DoSomething" "#Action_DoSomething" } "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } } } "localization" { "english" { "set_title" "The One and Only Set" "Action_DoSomething" "Do Something" "Action_Move" "Move" } } }


Denne skabelon er til et førstepersonsskydespil, hvor du kan flytte rundt, hoppe, skyde ting og have flere genstande (formentligt våben) i dit inventar, som du frit kan skifte imellem når som helst.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } "Look" { "title" "#Action_Look" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "Attack" "#Action_Attack" "AltAttack" "#Action_AltAttack" "Jump" "#Action_Jump" "Crouch" "#Action_Crouch" "Sprint" "#Action_Sprint" "StrafeLeft" "#Action_StrafeLeft" "StrafeRight" "#Action_StrafeRight" "Interact" "#Action_Interact" "Menu" "#Action_Menu" "Item1" "#Action_Item1" "Item2" "#Action_Item2" "Item3" "#Action_Item3" "Item4" "#Action_Item4" "Item5" "#Action_Item5" "PrevItem" "#Action_PrevItem" "NextItem" "#Action_NextItem" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Look" "Look" "Action_Attack" "Attack" "Action_AltAttack" "Alternate Attack" "Action_Jump" "Jump" "Action_Crouch" "Crouch" "Action_Sprint" "Sprint" "Action_StrafeLeft" "Strafe Left" "Action_StrafeRight" "Strafe Right" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Item1" "Item 1" "Action_Item2" "Item 2" "Action_Item3" "Item 3" "Action_Item4" "Item 4" "Action_Item5" "Item 5" "Action_PrevItem" "Previous Item" "Action_NextItem" "Next Item" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" } } }

Action/adventure i tredjeperson

Denne skabelon er til action-/adventurespil i tredjeperson, hvor du flytter en karakter rundt i et miljø og kan gøre basale ting såsom at hoppe, snige dig, interagere med ting/personer og deltage i simple kampe.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } "Camera" { "title" "#Action_Camera" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } } "Button" { "attack" "#Action_Attack" "block" "#Action_Block" "jump" "#Action_Jump" "interact" "#Action_Interact" "sneak" "#Action_Sneak" "sidestep" "#Action_Sidestep" "map" "#Action_Map" "menu" "#Action_Menu" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Camera" "Camera" "Action_Attack" "Attack" "Action_Block" "Block" "Action_Jump" "Jump" "Action_Sneak" "Sneak" "Action_Sidestep" "Sidestep" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Map" "Map" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" } } }

Turbaseret taktik

Denne skabelon er til turbaserede taktiske spil, hvor du flytter enheder rundt på et gitter og afgiver kommandoer. Dette inkluderer også handlinger til at styre et 3D-kamera og basal navigering.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "StickPadGyro" { "MenuCursor" { "title" "#Action_MenuCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "Up" "#Action_Up" "Down" "#Action_Down" "Left" "#Action_Left" "Right" "#Action_Right" "QuickSave" "#Action_QuickSave" "QuickLoad" "#Action_QuickLoad" "Affirm" "#Action_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" } } "BattleControls" { "title" "#Set_BattleControls" "StickPadGyro" { "BattleCamera" { "title" "#Action_BattleCamera" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "BattleCursor" { "title" "#Action_BattleCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "Up" "#Action_Up" "Down" "#Action_Down" "Left" "#Action_Left" "Right" "#Action_Right" "QuickSave" "#Action_QuickSave" "QuickLoad" "#Action_QuickLoad" "ConfirmCommand" "#Action_ConfirmCommand" "Pause" "#Action_Pause" "Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "Interact" "#Action_Interact" "EndTurn" "#Action_EndTurn" "Waypoint" "#Action_Waypoint" "NextUnit" "#Action_NextUnit" "PrevUnit" "#Action_PrevUnit" "Ability1" "#Action_Ability1" "Ability2" "#Action_Ability2" "Ability3" "#Action_Ability3" "Ability4" "#Action_Ability4" "Ability5" "#Action_Ability5" "Ability6" "#Action_Ability6" "Ability7" "#Action_Ability7" "Ability8" "#Action_Ability8" "Ability9" "#Action_Ability9" "Ability0" "#Action_Ability0" "CameraRotateLeft" "#Action_CameraRotateLeft" "CameraRotateRight" "#Action_CameraRotateRight" "CameraZoomIn" "#Action_CameraZoomIn" "CameraZoomOut" "#Action_CameraZoomOut" "CameraCenterOnSelection" "#Action_CameraCenterOnSelection" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_MenuCursor" "Menu Cursor" "Action_Up" "Up" "Action_Down" "Down" "Action_Left" "Left" "Action_Right" "Right" "Action_QuickSave" "Quick Save" "Action_QuickLoad" "Quick Load" "Action_Affirm" "Affirm" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel" "Set_BattleControls" "Battle Controls" "Action_BattleCamera" "Battle Camera" "Action_BattleCursor" "Battle Cursor" "Action_ConfirmCommand" "Confirm Command" "Action_Pause" "Pause" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_EndTurn" "End Turn" "Action_Waypoint" "Place / Remove Waypoint" "Action_NextUnit" "Next Unit" "Action_PrevUnit" "Previous Unit" "Action_Ability1" "Ability 1" "Action_Ability2" "Ability 2" "Action_Ability3" "Ability 3" "Action_Ability4" "Ability 4" "Action_Ability5" "Ability 5" "Action_Ability6" "Ability 6" "Action_Ability7" "Ability 7" "Action_Ability8" "Ability 8" "Action_Ability9" "Ability 9" "Action_Ability0" "Ability 0" "Action_CameraRotateLeft" "Rotate Camera Left" "Action_CameraRotateRight" "Rotate Camera Right" "Action_CameraZoomIn" "Zoom Camera In" "Action_CameraZoomOut" "Zoom Camera Out" "Action_CameraCenterOnSelection" "Center Camera on Selected Object" } } }


Denne skabelon er til strategispil i realtid, hvor du bygger enheder og bygninger og kommanderer enheder individuelt eller i grupper. Der er flere særlige funktioner her. For det første er der to handlingslag til menuen for enheder og konstruktion, men skabelonen er også konfigureret til handlinger med genveje.

I dette spil kan du tildele enheder, bygninger eller grupper af enheder til ti grupper bundet til ti genveje (implementeret her som handlingerne "Group 0" til "Group 9"). Når du har aktiveret en handling såsom "assign_group" eller "add_remove_group", venter spillets programmering, indtil der trykkes på en handling såsom "group_0" eller "group_3". "assign_group" + "group_2" betyder "tildel det aktuelt valgte til gruppe 2", hvorimod "select_group" + "group_5" betyder "vælg alt, der i øjeblikket er tildelt til gruppe 5". Dette skal implementeres af spillets egen logik, men det er meget enklere end at oprette individuelle handlingspermutationer for hver plads, dvs. "add_remove_group_2", "assign_group_2", "select_group_2" osv.

Derudover har enhedskommandoerne den særlige "queue"-handling. Hvis spillet registrerer, at "queue"-handlingen også udløses, når en ordrehandling modtages, vil det ikke udføre den oprindelige ordre med det samme, men i stedet sætte den i kø for den pågældende enhed. Efter en "move"-ordre kan dette bruges til at sætte waypoints, for eksempel. Denne form for logik skal igen implementeres i selve spillet.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "MoveCursor" { "title" "#Action_MoveCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraPan" { "title" "#Action_CameraPan" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraZoom" { "title" "#Action_CameraZoom" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "click" "#Action_Click" "cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "select" "#Action_Select" "select_add_remove" "#Action_AddRemove" "select_type" "#Action_SelectType" "select_idle" "#Action_SelectIdle" "move_attack" "#Action_MoveAttack" "move_no_attack" "#Action_Move" "attack_target" "#Action_Attack" "assign_group" "#Action_AssignGroup" "add_remove_group" "#Action_AddRemoveGroup" "select_group" "#Action_SelectGroup" "group_0" "#Action_Group0" "group_1" "#Action_Group1" "group_2" "#Action_Group2" "group_3" "#Action_Group3" "group_4" "#Action_Group4" "group_5" "#Action_Group5" "group_6" "#Action_Group6" "group_7" "#Action_Group7" "group_8" "#Action_Group8" "group_9" "#Action_Group9" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "action_layers" { "title" "#Layer_UnitMenu" "Button" { "stop" "#Unit_Stop" "hold" "#Unit_Hold" "patrol" "#Unit_Patrol" "follow" "#Unit_Follow" "queue" "#Unit_Queue" "unit_ability_1" "#Unit_Ability1" "unit_ability_2" "#Unit_Ability2" } "title" "#Layer_BuildMenu" "Button" { "build_0" "#Build_0" "build_1" "#Build_1" "build_2" "#Build_2" "build_3" "#Build_3" "build_4" "#Build_4" "build_5" "#Build_5" "build_6" "#Build_6" "build_7" "#Build_7" "build_8" "#Build_8" "build_9" "#Build_9" } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Layer_UnitMenu" "Unit Menu" "Layer_BuildMenu" "Build Menu" "Action_MoveCursor" "Move Cursor" "Action_CameraPan" "Pan camera" "Action_CameraZoom" "Zoom camera" "Action_Click" "Click mouse" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel" "Action_Select" "Select" "Action_AddRemove" "Add/remove from selection" "Action_SelectType" "Select all units of type" "Action_SelectIdle" "Select idle worker" "Action_MoveAttack" "Attack-Move" "Action_Move" "Move (no attack)" "Action_Attack" "Attack target" "Action_AssignGroup" "Assign group" "Action_AddRemoveGroup" "Add/remove from group" "Action_SelectGroup" "Select group" "Action_Group0" "Group 0" "Action_Group1" "Group 1" "Action_Group2" "Group 2" "Action_Group3" "Group 3" "Action_Group4" "Group 4" "Action_Group5" "Group 5" "Action_Group6" "Group 6" "Action_Group7" "Group 7" "Action_Group8" "Group 8" "Action_Group9" "Group 9" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" "Unit_Stop" "Stop" "Unit_Hold" "Hold ground" "Unit_Patrol" "Patrol" "Unit_Follow" "Follow" "Unit_Queue" "Queue action/waypoint" "Unit_Ability1" "Ability 1" "Unit_Ability2" "Ability 2" "Build_0" "Build option 0" "Build_1" "Build option 1" "Build_2" "Build option 2" "Build_3" "Build option 3" "Build_4" "Build option 4" "Build_5" "Build option 5" "Build_6" "Build option 6" "Build_7" "Build option 7" "Build_8" "Build option 8" "Build_9" "Build option 9" } } }


Dette er et simpelt 4X-strategispil, hvor du flytter enheder på et hovedkort, kolonisere territorier (uanset om det er planeter, øer eller byer) og kæmpe mod andre imperier. Grundhandlinger såsom "klik", "annuller", "vælg" og "inspicer" er altid tilgængelige i grundhandlingssætet, og andre handlinger kommer ind via handlingssætlag afhængigt af konteksten. På hovedkortet kan du for eksempel have yderligere handlinger såsom at stoppe turen eller skifte mellem dine kolonier. I kamp kan du skifte mellem enheder og give dem ordrer til at flytte sig, angribe eller trække sig tilbage.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "StickPadGyro" { "MoveCursor" { "title" "#Action_MoveCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraPan" { "title" "#Action_CameraPan" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } "CameraZoom" { "title" "#Action_CameraZoom" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } "Button" { "click" "#Action_Click" "cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "select" "#Action_Select" "inspect" "#Action_Inspect" "menu" "#Action_Menu" } } "MenuControls" { "title" "#Set_MenuControls" "Button" { "MenuUp" "#Menu_Up" "MenuDown" "#Menu_Down" "MenuLeft" "#Menu_Left" "MenuRight" "#Menu_Right" "Affirm" "#Menu_Affirm" "Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" "Other" "#Menu_Other" "ScrollUp" "#Menu_ScrollUp" "ScrollDown" "#Menu_ScrollDown" "DismissMenu" "#Menu_DismissMenu" } } } "action_layers" { "title" "#Layer_Map" "Button" { "turn" "#Map_Turn" "next_colony" "#Map_NextColony" "prev_colony" "#Map_PreviousColony" } "title" "#Layer_Combat" "Button" { "next_unit" "#Battle_NextUnit" "prev_unit" "#Battle_PrevUnit" "retreat" "#Battle_Retreat" "attack" "#Battle_Attack" "move_unit" "#Battle_MoveUnit" } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "Game Controls" "Set_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Layer_Map" "Map Controls" "Layer_Combat" "Combat Controls" "Action_MoveCursor" "Move Cursor" "Action_CameraPan" "Pan camera" "Action_CameraZoom" "Zoom camera" "Action_Click" "Click" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel" "Action_Select" "Select" "Action_Inspect" "Inspect" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Map_Turn" "End turn" "Map_NextColony" "Next Colony" "Map_PrevColony" "Previous Colony" "Battle_NextUnit" "Next Unit" "Battle_PrevUnit" "Previous Unit" "Battle_Retreat" "Retreat" "Battle_Attack" "Attack" "Battle_MoveUnit" "Move Unit" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Affirm" "Affirm" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" "Menu_Other" "Other" "Menu_ScrollUp" "Scroll Up" "Menu_ScrollDown" "Scroll Down" "Menu_DismissMenu" "Dismiss Menu" } } }


Et simpelt JRPG-konsolspil, hvor du flytter en karakters avatar rundt i et banemiljø, for eksempel en oververden, en fangekælder eller en by, og kan interagere med ting. Spillet har et modulbaseret kampsystem, som mest bruger de samme grundlæggende menudrevne handlinger (op/ned/venstre/højre/vælg/annuller), men det har også nogle specialkommandoer såsom at skifte evne, når du kæmper mod en individuel karakter og en gruppe, springe en karakters tur over og sætte spillet på pause.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Select" "#Action_Select" "Action_Up" "#Action_Up" "Action_Down" "#Action_Down" "Action_Left" "#Action_Left" "Action_Right" "#Action_Right" "Action_Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "Action_Menu" "#Action_Menu" } "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } } } } "action_layers" { "BattleControls" { "title" "#Layer_Battle" "Button" { "Battle_ToggleMulti" "#Battle_ToggleMulti" "Battle_Pause" "#Battle_Pause" "Battle_Skip" "#Battle_Skip" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Layer_Battle" "Battle Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Select" "Select/Interact" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel/Back" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Up" "Up" "Action_Down" "Down" "Action_Left" "Left" "Action_Right" "Right" "Battle_ToggleMulti" "Toggle multiple targets" "Battle_Pause" "Pause" "Battle_Skip" "Skip Character" } } }

Peg og klik-eventyr

Et simpelt peg-og-klik-spil, hvor du peger på et sted på skærmen og giver din karakter besked på at gå derhen for at undersøge noget eller interagere med det. Inventarstyring sker ved at bringe en menu op, hvor du kan pege på et objekt (eller navigere med handlingerne op/ned/venstre/højre) for at vælge det.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Interact" "#Action_Interact" "Action_MoveTo" "#Action_MoveTo" "Action_Examine" "#Action_Examine" "Action_Cancel" "#Action_Cancel" "Action_Menu" "#Action_Menu" "Action_Item" "#Action_Item" } "StickPadGyro" { "MoveCursor" { "title" "#Action_MoveCursor" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } } } "action_layers" { "MenuControls" { "title" "#Layer_MenuControls" "Button" { "Menu_Up" "#Menu_Up" "Menu_Down" "#Menu_Down" "Menu_Left" "#Menu_Left" "Menu_Right" "#Menu_Right" "Menu_Select" "#Menu_Select" "Menu_Cancel" "#Menu_Cancel" } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Layer_MenuControls" "Menu Controls" "Action_MoveCursor" "Move cursor" "Action_MoveTo" "Move to location" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Examine" "Examine" "Action_Cancel" "Cancel/Back" "Action_Menu" "Menu" "Action_Item" "Use Item" "Menu_Up" "Up" "Menu_Down" "Down" "Menu_Left" "Left" "Menu_Right" "Right" "Menu_Select" "Select" "Menu_Cancel" "Cancel" } } }


Et simpelt racerspil, hvor du kører ræs i biler med manuelt gear.

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Gas" "#Action_Gas" "Action_Brake" "#Action_Brake" "Action_Clutch" "#Action_Clutch" "Action_ShiftUp" "#Action_ShiftUp" "Action_ShiftDown" "#Action_ShiftDown" "Action_Handbrake" "#Action_Handbrake" "Action_Pause" "#Action_Pause" } "StickPadGyro" { "Steer" { "title" "#Action_Steer" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } "Look" { "title" "#Action_Look" "input_mode" "absolute_mouse" } } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Action_Gas" "Gas" "Action_Brake" "Brake" "Action_Clutch" "Clutch" "Action_ShiftUp" "Shift Gear Up" "Action_ShiftDown" "Shift Gear Down" "Action_Handbrake" "Handbrake" "Action_Pause" "Pause" "Action_Steer" "Steer" "Action_Look" "Free look" } } }


Et meget simpelt platformsspil, hvor du kan bevæge dig rundt, hoppe, holde en knap nede for at løbe og interagere med objekter i miljøet (for eksempel samle noget op/kaste noget).

"In Game Actions" { "actions" { "GameControls" { "title" "#Set_GameControls" "Button" { "Action_Jump" "#Action_Jump" "Action_Run" "#Action_Run" "Action_Interact" "#Action_Interact" "Action_Up" "#Action_Up" "Action_Down" "#Action_Down" "Action_Left" "#Action_Left" "Action_Right" "#Action_Right" "Action_Pause" "#Action_Pause" } "StickPadGyro" { "Move" { "title" "#Action_Move" "input_mode" "joystick_move" } } } } "localization" { "english" { "Set_GameControls" "General Controls" "Action_Move" "Move" "Action_Jump" "Jump" "Action_Run" "Run" "Action_Interact" "Interact" "Action_Up" "Up" "Action_Down" "Down" "Action_Left" "Left" "Action_Right" "Right" "Action_Pause" "Pause" } } }